Mechanical Technician L2 Jobs in KSA

Jobs in Saudi Arabia

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Searching for "Mechanical Technician L2" job / career / vacancy in Saudi Arabia (KSA)? is here to assist you in your search. We wish you good luck in finding your new dream job!

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Search parameters used for this particular query: Mechanical Technician L2 job / career / vacancy; job location: Saudi Arabia (KSA).
We found multiple listings that are shown below (this include part time / full time jobs / jobs near me).

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Mechanical Technician L2

Date: 2023-12-03 (Loaded Cached)

Job Description: Want to help us bring happiness to the world? Want to join an ambitious and fast growing global biscuits and confectionery business investing heavily in…

Company: Pladis
Hiring Organization: pladis
Salary: TBD
Location: جدة
Street Address: TBD

Locality: جدة
Region: disclosed when applied
Postal code: disclosed when applied

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Data as of 2023-12-03 (Loaded Cached) with id 7718. Database job listings: 1,214,315 jobs and growing. Find more jobs near me.

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